A History of Library Services in Glen Park

The Glen Library has been located in various neighborhood locations for the past 81 years. Here is a time line of all of our site:
  • 1927. The first location opened at 700 Bosworth

  • 1964. The library moved to 2909 Diamond Street when Bosworth was widened. The library stood where BART's Diamond Street steps are now located

  • 1969. The library then moved to 2842 Diamond, the current home of Gialina Pizzeria

    1969 Location -click photo for more info

  • 1978. The library then moved to 653 Chenery Street. This was a very beloved location. The connection to the Tiez family and the coziness of the branch have made it had a special place in the hearts of many Glen Park residents. It is now the current home of Bird & Beckett Books

  • 2007. Our first non-rented location at 2825 Diamond opened on October 13, 2007. Big, brighter and with a view.

I think I can safely say that the current location will probably be the last location for many, many years.